Tuesday 1 June 2010

St. Finian's and St. Mary's

We had a lovely day today with pupils from St. Mary's and from St. Finian's - both schools sent pupils from their P7 classes who were with us all day.

We spoke about friendship - trusting our friends, enjoying their company, and even, understanding our friends if we have a falling out.

The group who made the focus for the prayer service put a rainbow in to remind us of God's promises to us.

They also made a sun out of pillows, and made rays of light coming from the sun. The rays of light were made out of the cards and footprints created by the pupils - with their names, the signatures of their classmates and with qualities of each pupil written on each card.

The colours of the focus were all specifically chosen - pink for promise, orange for friendship, red for love, and yellow for happiness.

In our prayers, we remembered people who are sick...

....and we remembered everyone doing exams... the P7 pupils found out what schools they will be going to last week, so we were giving thanks for that.

One group of lads put together a short reflection on the day.

We ended the day also with a reading about not worrying - the birds don't worry, the flowers don't worry - and we are more important than the birds and flowers.

It was our first time having these schools with us, and we look forward to having more pupils from these schools with us next year - a lovely chatty and enjoyable group of people. And, of course, we wish them every good thing as they go to new schools - new friends, new challenges, new hobbies and new experiences.

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