Friday 11 June 2010

Our Lady of Mercy Year 8

This week we've had the year 8 classes from Our Lady of Mercy School here for their end of year retreat. The girls have made so many new friends in their new school it's hard to believe that this time last year many of them had never even met!

We were talking about the qualities we look for in a friend and the qualities we have within ourselves.

We were thinking about whether the love that we give to and receive from our friends gives us even a glimpse of the love that God has for each one of us.

One group wrote the word Love for their focus, above. This was the reason why...
We did love because in meditatation we were learning about the qualities of love.
We made a heart to represent love.

They used their friendship chain to make the letter "O" to show that we are in God's love.

Another group did a focus of the sea and sky. The candles represent the stars. Above that you can see flowers made from cloths and the friendship chain. The whole focus represents nature and all of God's creation, including us.

One of the songs they chose to play during their prayer service was "Hero."

Here are some of the very heartfelt prayers that were written over the last few days.

Dear God,
Help all the people in my family and help people
out on the streets that have no homes and no food.
Thank You God,

Dear God,
May you help the others in the world.
Help the children in Haiti and all the others that need help.
Help everyone doing exams.
I thank You for my family and friends.
May they be with me always.

Dear God,
Pray for the people who are doing exams.
Help them to do well and get the marks that they want.
Thank You God,

Dear God,
Bless all the dead.
Bless all the sick people in the world.
Bless the homeless people in the world.
And people who need help.

Dear God
Thank you for guiding me through my first year in Our Lady of Mercy.
I have met new friends and new teachers.
I am going into my 2nd year.
Could you please guide me through it.

Dear God,
Thank you for helping me through my first year of Our Lady of Mercy.
I have met so many new teachers and friends.
Thank You,

Dear God,
I am sorry I have sinned.
Look after my Granda in hospital and give my mum and dad strength.
Look after my sister and help her to pass her exams.
Thank You for a good life.

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us family and friends.
Help us to stay healthy and to follow your footprints.
Thank You for giving us a good life.
We are grateful for everything.

Dear God,
Could you help the people who are dying at this time.
Give them a happy death and help their families through it.
Please bless my friend who is dying of cancer and doesn't have long to live.
Thank You,

Dear God,
Please help the people in hospitals that are suffering or sick at the moment,
and please could we take a moment of silence to think of anyone in
our family or anyone we know that is sick or suffering at the moment.
Lord hear us.
Dear God,

Thank you for our teachers, dinner ladies and helpers in the classroom.

Thank you God.

Lord hear us.

Dear God,

We thank you that you always forgive us when we make mistakes.
Thank you for all the forgiveness that you give us.
Lord hear us.

Dear God,
Please help the people in Africa -
they need all the help they can get.
Can you please try your best to help them
and any other people in the world that need the help as well.
Thank you for your love and caring for us.

Dear God,
Thank you very much for bringing me to this world
and giving me food, drinks, hospitals, education and a roof over my head
and could you help the people who don't have anything like that.
So just to say thank you very much.

Dear God,
Could you please help the children and people who have
lost their parents and are very sad and can't handle it.
Lord hear us.

This time last year the girls were looking forward to starting their new school and wondering who they would meet and become friendly with. Now many of them have become close friends. What a difference a year makes. We wish them well as they continue on their journey through post-primary school.

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