Thursday 24 June 2010

Annual Gathering of Lasallian Retreat Teams in Ireland

Our annual gathering of De La Salle Retreat Teams in Ireland took place at the beginning of this week in Emmaus Retreat House in Swords.  There are four De La Salle Pastoral Centres in Ireland, they are:

  • Benildus Pastoral Centre in Dublin - Directed by Michele Sinnott
  • De La Salle Pastoral Centre, Belfast - Directed by Margaret McClory
  • De La Salle Pastoral Centre, Castletown - Directed by Derek Doherty
  • Parmenie Pastoral Centre, Downpatrick - Directed by Frances McBride

We meet to reflect on our year and to draw support from each other, as well as having some quiet time for personal prayer and reflection, facilitated this year by Rosemary Lavelle.  It is always great to meet and catch up with everyone.  Some of our collegues were unable to attend for various reasons but were very much with us in spirit.  

This school year, De La Salle Pastoral Centres have had the privilege of facilitating retreats for almost ten thousand young people from all parts of Ireland.  This has been a great blessing for us as teams and as individuals.  We have met and worked with so many truly good young people and journeyed with them in their searching and their hoping and it is a great deal we learn about ourselves, each other and God through this. 

As our year draws to a close we thank God for the blessing of each other and of the young people we have met and we pray that the year ahead will be fruitful and blessed.

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