Monday 12 April 2010

Toome: St. Oliver Plunkett P.S., Moneynick P.S., Milquarter P.S., Carlane P.S.

Despite the sleet, snow and rain, we spent a great couple of days with the P7s of the various Primary Schools in and around Toome.

As they prepare for their Confirmation at the end of this month, the P7s were thinking of what it means to follow Jesus, and how, if we all tried to be more like Jesus, we really could change the world!

Because we would be like the hands' of God to one another!

We also thought about how much God loves us. One of the groups did this beautiful focus below. They organised the cloths into different sized rectangles, from very small to very large. This was to show that no matter how big or how small the sin we commit, God will always forgive us if we seek His forgiveness. The flame represented the warmth and love of God and the ribbons of crepe paper represented our prayers going up to God.

We thought it was an excellent focus!

A group wrote this lovely acrostic reflection...

This group brought the symbols of the Holy Spirit together to form this beautiful focus.

We hope that the young people from these four schools have a brilliant day on their Confirmation and that they can be Helping Hands to everyone as they live out their Christian faith!

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