Monday 12 April 2010

St. Joseph's Crumlin, continued

Just before the Easter holidays, we had the second of four groups from St. Joseph's in Crumlin here, for their Transition Retreat. We had a lovely day talking and listening to each other about memories of the past and hopes and worries about the future.

We looked at the Scripture reading Matt. 6:25-30 Do not worry about tomorrow!

It's only natural for us to worry at times when things are changing in our lives, but Jesus tells us to have faith...

He tells us to look at the birds of the air who don't harvest or store food in barns, and yet God provides them with all they need!

He tells us to look at the flowers in the field who are dressed more beautifully than kings and queens, because God provides for them.

He reminds us that we are very important in God's sight and that we can't add any time to our life by worrying about what we will eat or drink or wear!

Jesus reminds us to have faith!

One of the things that can help us to have faith is prayer. These lovely prayers were written for the liturgy.

Dear God,
I ask you to help the people who are affected by the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. Help them to survive.
Lord hear us.

Dear God,
Help all those who are sick or suffering. Help them to get well. We pray fo all those in hospital. May they be healed.
Lord hear us.

This lovely acrostic reflection was written for the liturgy! There was another one too but unfortunately the photo was out of focus so we couldn't post it.

We wish all the young people from St. Joseph's every blessing in their post-primary schools.

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