Monday 12 April 2010

St. Michael's Primary School, Belfast

We had the P7s from St. Michael's Primary School, Ravenhill Road, at the Centre for their Confirmation Retreats on the 23rd and 26th March. We took time to think about the meaning of Confirmation and why we Confirm our faith!

It can be hard to imagine the Holy Spirit because the Spirit isn't something we can see or touch. This is why Christians use symbols to describe the Spirit. One of the symbols of the Holy Spirit is the wind, which is why we make kites on the Confirmation retreat.

Another symbol of the Holy Spirit is the dove. The Holy Spirit descended to Jesus in the form of a dove at the time of His baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan. One of the groups did a beautiful focus of a dove for their liturgy.

You can also see the flame in the focus. This too is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Some beautiful prayers and reflections were written.

Dear God,
Please bless all the people who have lost a loved one. Help all the departed have a happy life in heaven.

Dear God,
Please watch over all the people in Chile and Haiti. Please keep them safe and help them to get through this horrible time.

Dear God,
Please help the lonely, the sad, those with no home and the sick. Let Jesus be with them.

Although we can't see or touch the Holy Spirit we can see the Spirit at work in other people and we can experience the good things that they do for us. As Confirmed Christians it is our duty to let the Holy Spirit work in us so that others "may see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven." Matt. 5:16

We wish all the P7s good luck as they go out into the world as Confirmed Christians, bringing Christ to others through their words and actions.

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