Tuesday 4 December 2012

St Mary's CBGS Yr 11

St Mary's CBGS

Monday 5th November
Yr 11A
We made this focus to represent God who created the universe out of love and he is at the heart of the universe. It has the earth, sun and shooting star showing God's creation.
'You've got friend in me'- we picked this because no matter what everyone has friends.
'Beautiful Day'- we picked this because people should keep thinking positively.

Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 15:4-7). This story shows that God cares for everyone and not just a certain amount of people. As it shows in the story that when one sheep is missing he wants it back even though he has ninety nine more. This means God loves us individually.


Dear Lord
I would like to thank you for providing me with a kind and caring class
 who are friends to each other and who help fit in with all of our fellow pals.
Dear Lord
Thanks for helping my family and other folks family members who have passed away, 
get to heaven.

Dear Lord
I thank you for taking care of all my friends present and past.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the opportunities you have given me in life.

Dear Lord,
We thank you for the families you have given us.

My speech for the wonderful work of and the Lord Jesus Christ. This first part is about God, in you, through you, for you.

  • God is in you because he can help you in a prayer
  • God is through you because he will always be there for you. Through and through you God is.
  • God is for you because he loves you no matter what. He could support you in a time of need, through a prayer.
Think about these three points. Jesus is a normal human being but with powers to perform miracles. Jesus had many titles, Son of  God, the Messiah and the Son of Man. Jesus performed miracles because he wanted to help the people and show the work of God. He got the titles Son of God and the Messiah for doing miracles and preaching, though the Son of Man is the title Jesus wanted to be known as. Why does Jesus want to be known as the Son of God?

Tuesday 6th November '12
Yr 11B 

We chose to use the symbol of a flame as the light of God and the starry sky as God's creation. We also put out a question mark

'You got a friend in me'. We picked this because you will always have a friend in times of trouble.
'You got the love'. We picked this because God loves everyone no matter what.
Jairus' Daughter (Luke 8:49-55). In this story we heard that Jesus is willing to help anyone. he had the the power to resurrect, only God has the power, He is God.

Dear God,
We  pray for those who are sick and that they may find comfort.

Dear God,
Take care of all those people who have died,
 that they may find peace.

Dear God,
Can you help all people that are less fortunate than us.

Dear God,
I pray to you in the hope that you see us through
 these times of trouble and care for us.

Monday 12th November '12
Yr 11C

Love symbolises that God loves us and we should love others. This shows that love is everywhere and that God loves everyone because we're his creation.

'Give me love'- Ed Sheeran. God shows us love.
'Wonderwall' - Oasis. God gives us guidance.

Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd. This shows God protects, looks after us and guides us. It makes us feel wanted.



Tuesday 13th November
Yr 11D
We are trying to show that God is the creator of the world. He has made many aspects of the world e.g. sand, sea, sun, grass and stars.
'You got a friend in me' -as we're just a new class, it shows that there's trust and friends in all of us. In case anyone feels down they can come to a friend.
'Man in the Mirror'- shows we can change ourselves when we feel loved, if you need help.





Monday 19th November
Yr 11E

This means God loves you. The colours inside represent everyone, any colour, any religion, coming together in God's heart.

We chose 'One Love' because it makes you feel good and makes you thank God for everything you have. 
We also chose 'You've Got a Friend in Me' because it makes you think that there is always someone there for you. 

Mark (4:35-41). The reason we have picked the 'Calming of the Storm' is because this story shows Jesus' power over nature and the world around us.



Tuesday 20th November '12

In the focus, Baby Jesus is lying in the manger in Bethlehem. The white cloth signifies the stars that the three wise men followed to find Jesus.

We chose 'Let it Be' because this song sums up how people feel about faith and God.
'Read All About It' shows that everything is being negative in the news and this song shows that its not all bad.

We picked the Story of Creation, Genesis (1:1-13).

Holy Father,
We are thankful for another gracious day.
Please may we receive guidance under tour light through the maze of life.
May we have a happy and just time on earth.
May you be merciful to those who have sinned.
May you love us forever.

Dear Lord
Thank you for creating us and giving the right to free will 
and to use it wisely.

Dear Lord
We are thankful to those taking care of all the people who are sick 
and that they have the courage to fight through their illness.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for believing in us and giving us the hope to carry on in life.

Dear Lord,
Please bless those who are in conflict,
domestically or because of war.


Thursday 22nd November '12
Yr 11G
We have made the universe to symbolise all of God's creation.

'Let it be' shows strength, as there's always something to rely on.
'Stand by me' shows that even through hard times that's is always  one to rely on.

This story was chosen because it is about how people communicate their faith and how others hear what they say.



Friday 23rd November '12

Yr 11H
We have chosen the calming of the storm because it shows that even in hard times, Jesus is always with us to help us get through times of harshness and sorrow.  

We chose 'You've got the love'- Florence and the Machine, she sings about counting on God while going through a hard time.
'One love'  Bob Marley, we picked this song because it makes people feel  together.

Scripture was based on a range of images of God.



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