Tuesday 4 December 2012

St Bride's PS

We had children from St Bride's Primary School in November, who displayed great creative talents from kite making to dancing and musicianship.

God's creation, because the sun, the clouds, the grass and the sky is all made by God and the kites are us which God blows around.
'One Love' by Bob Marley sings about getting people together and everything will be alright.
We chose 'Make It Mine' by Jason Maraz because its happy and gets your mind off bad things.

Matthew (5:14-16)This scripture means that you should use your talents and shine your light.

We decided to do 'Creation' because we thought natural resources God created for us would be ideal to show in the Prayer Service.

'Firework' This song says '..be yourself..' and everyone likes and knows it.
'Next to Me', this explains friendship, you're never alone.
Matthew (5:14-16). Jesus tells us we are the light of the world that can't be hidden. We must be a light for others.


This hand represents that God's hand is our hand, which we will use with care and respect, to help others.

'You've got a friend in me', we chose this song because it shows God will always be our friend no matter what we do. He will send a friend to us when we are lonely and in need.
'Next to me', God is always close by. When we need him most and he will comfort us when we are sad through our friends.

Matthew (5:14-16) When you light a candle its like a child is born and putting a bowl over a lighted candle is like a child sitting around doing nothing. So you should get out and do something to help others, which is like leaving a candle on a candle stand so it can be of use to everyone else around you.



This is display of a dove. A dove is  a symbol of the Holy Spirit and also symbolises peace. The dove is holding a branch because I remember reading a bible story about when Noah was in the ark and he sent out a dove to find land. The dove returned a few days later holding a twig. This showed that the plants were growing again after the flood and that there was land ahead. The dove is flying across the night sky.


Matthew (5:14-18). This passage means Jesus is represented as the Light of the World. So when we are said to be the light of the world, it means that we should try and follow in Jesus' footstep. Jesus said we are the light of the world. If we allow the Holy Spirit to shine within us, we will be able to be what we want to be.


We chose this title because it speaks God's word and means don't put yourself down.

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