Tuesday 13 March 2012

Our Lady of Mercy

Once again we had a lovely day with the young people from Our Lady of Mercy. We had lots of interesting conversations and debates in our sessions and it was lovely to see the girls listen and respect each others' opinions. Everyone participated in the games and activities and enjoyed the retreat.

Centre = Us and our path with God
Flames = Holy Spirit
Candle = God lights up our lives
Stream = Our faith and belief in God
Short Prayer = Our school prayer, and us coming together and being equal.

We chose True Colours because everyone is different and we all feel comfortable around each other. Every colour is unique and compliments the others.
For our second song we picked Iris because it's showing that there is always someone to turn to even when you feel that no-one understands. You never have to face this work alone.

The story, The Sower (Matthew:13:1-23) is about sowing the word of God. 
The seed that fell along the path represents people who hear the word of God but as soon as they do Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 
The seed that fell on rocky places represents the people who hear the word of God and accept it  but have no rocks so it only lasts a while.
The seed that fell among thorns represent people that get distracted by wealth. 
The seeds that fell on good soil represents people that hear the word and act on it.
We chose this because as Christians we should be the seeds that fall on good soil and act on the word of God


We made this poster because it represents how people have layers and that everyone is different which means that no two people have the same personality and that everyone is unique in their own way. If one of the pieces is removed then no one is complete.

The heart symbolises love, love for each other in our form class.
The bird symbolises peace and freedom because we can express our own thoughts and opinions through our form class and not be met with criticism and not afraid to say what we want.
The spirals in the middle represent our thoughts throughout the day, the thought from our heart,
The sun represents the warmth of closeness in our class.

We chose You raise me upIt represents everyone, including God.
It tells us everyone is here for us such as family, friends, teachers etc. We are not alone no matter how high the mountain is, or no matter how dark the sky is, you can get through it with a smile at the end of the tunnel.
Where is the love - Black eyed peas. We chose this one because we are brothers and sisters of God. We should just show love to each other.

Hosea 11: 4, I led you with chords of human kindness, with ties of love I lifted the yolk from your neck and bent down to feed you.
We chose this story because God is the one who created us and taught us everything we know, even if we don't realise it. This piece of scripture tells us how some of us may turn away from God even though he is always there for us.
This piece of scripture tells us how God does everything for us and sometimes we should just realise he is there and appreciate it.


Dear God 
Help us to remember those who are starving and don't get many opportunities in life.
Let us donate what we can throughout lent to help them
Lord hear us.

Dear God
I pray for all the young people in our communities, 
schools and families that they will reach their full potential in life.
Guide and bless the young people doing their exams, 
or battling with addiction or illness
Lord hear us

Dear God
In our prayers,we remember those who have lost their jobs. 
May they receive all the help they need and recover from this time in life.
Lord hear us

Dear God,
We would like to thank you for the day we've had together. 
Help us to enjoy the rest of our time as a class.
Lord hear us

Dear God,
I would like to pray for those who are sick with different illnesses
 such as cancer, and may they receive support and care 
to help them through life and make life that little bit easier.

Dear God,
Please pray and remember those who are suffering from addictions,
may you guide them on the right path and help them recover.
May they receive support from you and their families, 
and help them live to the fullest, through your strength and guidance.
Lord hear us

Everyone is unique and have different qualities and skills but together we 
are one, like a spiral.

True Colours. We picked this song because everyone has their own personality which they are loved for.
Your song. It's difficult to say how you feel so its better to write it down
We chose a story that talks about money. Money is only a material thing and showing care, love and respect for yourself and your class is more than money could even buy.

We chose Teamwork because we worked as a team all day.

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