Tuesday 15 November 2011

St.Bride's Primary School

We had four wonderful days on retreat with the young people from St. Bride's Primary school. We talked about reasons for being Confirmed and why it is so important. We did this through games, discussions, prayer and art. 
Reach, For our prayer service we chose this song to show that anything is possible and there is no limit to what God can do, so reach for the stars.
Pack-up, We picked this song as it says pack up your troubles and throw them away and don't worry about it. We feel this is a very important message in life.
The candle is us and Jesus Christ. The hands are all of us around Jesus. The kites are us and then the wind is Jesus.
You are the light of the world (Matt:5). We heard this today and it made us think of how we can shine our light in the lives of others.

Dear God 
Please help all the people who are doing exams

Dear God
We pray for the ones who don't follow in Jesus' footsteps.
The ones who do not know what they are doing 
and don't know how to lead their lives 
in the way Jesus wished for them.
Pray that they are reunited with the 
Holy Spirit once again. Thank you God

Dear God
I am praying to you to say 
please look after our family and friends.
They are very important to us 
so please look after them
Stay with us 

Dear God
Look after the people in heaven 
keep their families safe 
and watch over them

Dear God 
I hope my granny gets better. 
I also hope that endangered animals stay alive.
 and please pray for the people who have cancer

Dear God 
Pray for all the families and keep them safe and healthy
We chose Hand of God because God is working through each one of us. The hands represent each person in our class.

We chose Pack-up because some people are worring about the transfer test so we all need to pack-up our troubles.
We also picked Your Song because in this song she is happy with how she is and that it is the simple things that make her happy.
Our focus is a garden. We made flowers with our hands. The sky represents God and the kites represent us.

Dear God
We pray for the people who are sick and sore. 
we hope that they become better and get the care they need.
Lord hear us

Dear Lord
We pray for all the people in the wars 
and make sure that our world makes peace with one another
Lord hear us

Dear Lord
We pray for our school 
and that it will always stay a cheerful place 
and that the pupils will always enjoy it.
I pray for our class that we enjoy our last year
 together as we may lose contact when we move school.
Lord hear us

Dear Lord
We pray that all the poor people in the world will 
someday be able to get good clean food and nice shelter
Lord hear us

Dear Lord 
We pray for all the starving people,
 may the get clean water and food
Lord hear us.

We chose the title Hands of God because we need to do work for God. We drew the world in the hands because the hands represent God and the way he holds the world up. And the hands represent all the people on the planet.

We Made a rainbow because it represents colour. We used the hands and the candles because it shows how you can shine your light and we used the kites to represent fun times.
We chose Man in the Mirror because he wants to change the way he treats people. It will encourage people to do this.
We also chose Your Song because she is not that wealthy and she is happy with what she has. So this tells us to be happy with what we have.

Help the people that lack manners to change
and let them turn to you
Lord hear us

We pray for those who are poor.
We pray that one day they will have the money for food and clothes.
We pray that you will help them survive for now, the time they need you most.
Lord hear us

We pray for all those people who are sick and help them recover.
Lord hear us

We chose this title because it ties in well with what we were doing today

We made the world because every country is different. The sun represents God. The hands represent people in the countries. The kites represent things we live.
For our prayer service we sang This Little Light of Mine because it represents the light shining in us.
We also chose Make You Feel My Love because it shows how we will show that we love God and other people because it says "when the wind is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case, I can offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love."


 Dear God
Please watch over old people who are in need of help.
Give them all the help they need
Lord hear us

We chose the title Helping Hands because we all help each other in our own unique way like our hands, every hand is different.

Thank you for a wonderful day 
I enjoyed the meditation best it was so relaxing


Anonymous said...

De La Salle retreat day was soooooooooooo much fun and I want to say thx to everyone who helped our class and me and I was really glad to see my kite on the website!
I really enjoyed the whole day and I learnt how to do a lot of new things like meditate,how confirmation is important in our lives and how to be more mature. I really, really enjoyed this school trip.

Anonymous said...

our class went on a retreat to de la salle pastoral centre i got to set out the stage area i enjoyed the trip.my favourite part was the meditation.

Anonymous said...

our class went on a retreat to de la salle pastoral centre i got to set out the stage area i enjoyed the trip.my favourite part was the meditation.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time at the retreat. My favourite part was singing the songs Pack Up and Your song.I thought they were difficult choosing them but they were fantastic songs.
It was a great experience for me and everybody else because we had never done anything like that before.
I would also like to thank Fintan for being such a great leader and helper.
St. Brides

Anonymous said...

I had a great day andI really enjoyed meditating and I also enjoyed acting in the prayer service. I was the colour green. Our group leader was Michelle and she was really nice.
Thanks to all.
John St.Brides

Anonymous said...

I had a great day at the De La Salle Retreat Centre.I enjoyed all the activities but my favourite
was the hand and kite making.In the prayer service I chose to do the focus.I would like to thank Michelle for making me understand a lot more about Confirmation.
Eimear St. Brides P.S

Anonymous said...

De La Salle retreat day was really fun and enjoyable. My favourite part was singing Your Song and Pack Up Your Troubles as a class. I was in the drama,I was rain. I loved doing a short drama with my friends and I hope we can do something like that again.

Olivia, St. Bride's Primary School.