Wednesday 30 November 2011

St. Patrick's College

The boy's from St. Patrick's college were great to work with. We enjoyed our discussions on Christian attitudes and not judging people and also our meditation. 
We chose to make a circle because it represents never ending friendship. The different colours represent the diversity in our class. The candles represent life and the books represent each individual person.
For the prayer service we chose When You Believe because it can inspire you and can help you achieve your goals, and when times are hard if you believe God is always with you that gives you spiritual strength.
We also chose Will You Be There? because if times are hard you just need that one person to keep you company and remind you that you're only human and can make mistakes but learn from them and be faithful to yourself.

The Good Samaritan, We acted this story because it is relevant to today as it shows that despite peoples differences we should help each other and bring love and peace to the world.

Dear God
Could you help those fortunate 
to receive your gift of wisdom and and generosity 
to help support those less fortunate

Dear God
Please pray for those who have lost a close  member of their family
Dear God
Please help the sick.
Help them to get better and not to suffer any longer,
and to help the families of the sick feel supported and not to feel lonely.

Dear God
Pray for those children who won't get anything for Christmas.
Remember them in our prayers.

Dear God
Pray for those who we have lost a friend.
Remember them in our prayers throughout our day.

We made the word God because we talked about him today and he is in the room.
We made the fish as a symbol of Christianity.
Wonderful world - we chose this song because it makes you think what a wonderful world you live in.
Man in the mirror - because we must change ourselves before we change the world.

We chose to read 1Cor 4 because these are the morals every body should live by. If we could all do this the world would be a much more peaceful place.
Dear God
Help the ill and the sick and the poor,
little kids around the world with no homes.
Stop the fighting and hate in our country and around the world.

Dear God
Help the homeless for they should be treated with respect,
and they should also be treated with loving homes and family.

Dear God 
Please take care of the starving kids in the third world countries.
Help them get support from others and to live a slightly better life.

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