Wednesday 6 June 2012

St. Theresa's Primary School

The clouds veil - We picked this song because no matter what, God is by our side.
Next to me - We picked this because Jesus is always next to us.
Psalm 23:      The lord is my shepherd I have everything I need

 He gives me places to be calm and peaceful

 He shows me the right way to go

 Even when bad things happen, I will not be afraid

 I know God’s love will be with me all my life

And I will always be welcome in God’s house as long as I live



True Colours - We chose this because it is not about what,s on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts, they are your true colours.
You've got the love - We picked this one because you have the love, so we need to show it. We also made up a dance that goes along with this and invited everyone to join in the song,
Psalm 23:                    The lord is my shepherd

The lord is my shepherd I have everything I need

He gives me places to be calm and peaceful

He gives me inner strength to do good things

He shows me the right way to go

Even when bad things happen, I will not be afraid

I know God’s love will be with me all my life

 And I will always be welcome in God’s house as long as I live


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