Tuesday, 19 June 2012

St. Colman's PS

We had great days with the pupils of St Colman's. It was greta to hear about their years in Primary school and how they feel about moving to a new school. We wish them all the best and happiness in the years to come.
True colours - We picked this song as it will help us remember all our class mates and of the brilliant time we spent with each other.
You've got a friend in me - We all have friends but, when we feel on our own, God will be there for us.

  Psalm 23                     The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd I have everything I need

He gives me places to be calm and peaceful

He shows me the right way to go

He gives me inner strength to do good things

Even when bad things happen, I will not be afraid

For God is with me to help me get through difficult things

I know God’s love will be with me all my life

And I will always be welcome in God’s house as long as I live



You've got a friend in me - God will always be there for you.
Next to me - No one is on their own. God will always be there for us. Next to me is a song about God.
Psalm 23                    The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd I have everything I need

He gives me places to be calm and peaceful

He gives me inner strength to do good things

He shows me the right way to go

Even when bad things happen, I will not be afraid

I know God’s love will be with me all my life

And I will always be welcome in God’s house as long as I live

