Wednesday 22 February 2012

St. Patrick's College Yr 11

We enjoyed seeing the young people of St.Patrick's again. It was great to hear how much they remembered and enjoyed their last retreat. This time we disscussed our values and beliefs around God, ourselves and our community. It was great to see the young men listening to each other's opinions. We had a really nice day and look forward to seeing them again.

Fish - Represents God and nature
Candles - Represent love
Save the world: We picked this song becuase it is a song about cleaning up the world.
You've got a friend - It shows everyone has a friend or someone to talk to, even in the darkest of situations.

(Jn21:15-16) We chose this story because we thought the story was very interesting and we thought it showed a lot of compassion.
Dear God
Thanks for the fantablous day
love ya so much
Lord hear us

Dear Lord
We thank you for today.
We also pray for the people who come here
Lord hear us
Dear God,
We pray to you to help us through this time
when we are all sitting exams and
preparing for our GCSE's
Lord hear us

Dear God
Pray for everyone that has
something on there mind

Dear God
Pray for the sick,
Mentally and physcially
Dear God
Help the sick and the old

Dear God
Pray for the families and for all
those who have died.

Dear God,
Pray for all the sick and for there families
that they cope through this hard time.

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