Wednesday 9 March 2011

Our Lady of Mercy Girls' School Yr 12

It was great to work with the girls from Our Lady of Mercy. We had the opportunity to talk about how important it is to have a good self image and how we see God in our lives.
We wrote 12M to represent our class.
The sky is to show God is always with us and to represent heaven because when we were younger we would look up to the sky and think it was heaven. The sun is for the light of our love.
The heart is to represent the love in our class and to show our everlasting friendship.

True Colours - we chose this because we have been with each other for five years and we now know each other so well that we know each other's colours and we are starting to realise who they really are after spending so much time together.
Man in the Mirror - we have chosen this song as we need to realise that we are growing up and we don't really have anyone to tell us what to do in our life from now on.
We need to look at ourselves and change for the better.

Luke 10 , The Good Samaritan - We chose this because it shows that if we don't get along with someone or have a prejudice against them, we need to see past that and we need to see them as a human being in need. No matter what has happened in the past; a week, a month or a year ago, we only have 2 months left. Make the most of it!

Dear God
I ask you to help people in the world
who have to watch someone in their family
suffering from diseases such as cancer.
Thank you God
Lord Hear us

Dear God
Please help the homeless people all around the world
Lord hear us

Dear God
We pray for all the sick people 
Lord hear us

Our theme today is friendship. We have chosen Friendship because today we have reflected on the people we care for and love and over the past 5 years everyone has developed close friendships. 
The different colours on the poster symbolise the different personalities and people in our year group.

We made this as a focus because in a few months we won't be 12L anymore and we might not see each other again after this school year.

You've Got a Friend in Me because this is our last year together and our class are all friends.
Iris by Goo Goo Dolls because everyone is the same and you don't have to hide who you are. 

Lk 15 - The Prodigal Son. We chose this because it is all about forgiving and love. No matter what anyone has done we should love them unconditionally.


We chose FRIENDS for our poster because we are all friends and we enjoyed today

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