Tuesday 14 December 2010

St. Columbanus, Years 13 and 14

This focus represents the River of Life. The young people in year 14 had time to reflect on their lives thinking of significant people and the moments in their lives that have influenced who they are now. This was followed by a scripture meditation focusung on their future (Jeremiah 29:11)

The songs that were chosen by the Year 14 groups were:

Lean on Me - Glee Cast: to show that each one of us has God to lean on.
Don't Panic - Coldplay: to show that even in the midst of all of the doom and gloom in the world it is still a beautiful world and we can make it better for one another.
Beautiful Day - U2: Because we can make each day beautiful for each other.

The Scripture Readings that were chosen by the Year 14s were:
I know the plans I have for you: Jeremiah 29:11
The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37

The Year 13 groups were reflecting on the things they value in life.  For their prayer service they chose the following...

One Love - this is the love of God, coming together as a group and giving thanks and praise to the Lord.
I Will Follow Him - It's about the following of God

Scripture - The Lost Sheep
We have chosen this as it shows a asign of forgiveness and shows us that God is still looking for you even if you have wondered far from his faith. So it shows us that God will never give up on you.

We gathered all our prayers of intercession and thanksgiving offering these and all our needs to the care of God.

Lean on Me - We chose this song because we are one year group, a unit. We are here for each other. We can "lean on" each other. We are all friends. We are a close year group and we love each other. These lyrics are meaningful to us. Also, it's a good song.

Castles in the Sky - we choose this because it is up-beat and cheery. The lyrics are meaningful to us. Why don't we make life realistic? We day dream and we get caught so much in our dreams that we are not in the present moment.

We wish all the students from St. Columbanus' College every blessing as they continue on life's journey. It was a pleasure to work with them.

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