Wednesday 17 November 2010

St Mary's CBGS Year 11

Our neighbours St. Mary's CBGS have been sending their year 11 groups to our Centre this week.  It's been great to see these boys again, all a lot more grown up than when we last saw them in Year 8.  For some of these boys, depending on what primary school they went to, it can be their third our fourth visit to our Centre.  This is great for us as a team because we usually remember the faces, if not always the names and it's great to hear how they've been getting on since we last saw them. 

Even though some of the boys are very familiar with our Centre, each Retreat Day they have attended will be very different.  The year 11 programme looks at the world we live in, our place within it and where or whether we find God in all of that. 

What can WE do in our own lives to make the world a better place???  There isn't much point in complaining about the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere if we allow our own little wars to fester in our own lives.

This retreat is all about looking at ourselves and what we can do.

In this post, you can see and read the artwork the boys created when exploring their thoughts about God.  Also, the Prayer Service contributions that the boys made, including Music choice, Focus, Prayers and Reflections.  Enjoy!!!

26th November 2010

We created a circle and a cross of lights to show that Jesus died for us

Shine - we chose this song to show how we can let the light shine through in people
Hero by X Factor Finalists - because you can be a hero in day to day life

Dear God
We pray for those who find it difficul;t to let their light shine through,
also those people stopping others from letting their kight shine

Dear God
We pray for those who try to make a difference in the world
and we thank you for those who, by their courage, have
made the world a better place

Dear God
We thank you for giving us the things we have,
but please bless those less fortunate than us who are
living in poverty and hunger

25th November 2010

This is the calming of the storm and Jesus fixes it. When we have storms and trouble we should turn to Jesus for help.

Scripture - The Good Samaritan
We have picked this story because we want to show that although there is hatred in this world everyone can still get along.

Dear God
Watch over my granny who is not well at the moment.
And I want to thank you for all my friends, family
and for all the people who have been kind to me

Dear God
I would like to thank you for my successes in the past
and would like me and my class-mates to do well in our tests.

Dear God
Thank you for looking out for me in the past years pf my life
and I pray that you will help me do good in my up coming football matches.

Dear God
I want to ask you to make me and my class mates
have a good and happy life.

Dear God
I wish for you to look over me and my class mates while doing our GCSE's
and to help us all do well in them

Dear God
Thank you for looking over my family by giving them lovely homes and a healthy life.

23rd November 2010

We did a cross with candles on it to show that God is present.

Hero by the X-Factor Finalists - because we can be a hero to someone else.
You've Got a Friend in Me by Randy Newman - because we all have a friend in each other.

Scripture - The Transfiguration
We chose this story because it illustrates one of the great mysteries of our faith, that Jesus IS God.

Dear God,
Please help the under-privileged in our society.

22nd November 2010

We chose the word JOYFUL because we all had a happy and joyful day and we learned new things about our faith.

Scripture - The Baptism of Jesus
We're reading this story because the Father says he is well pleased with Jesus. God is pleased with us too.  Just as the Holy Spirit gave Jesus the strength to withstand the temptations he suffered in the desert, the Holy Spirit can strengthen to help us face the difficulties in our lives.

One by U2 - because we are all connected by one thing.
Fix You by Coldplay - because we can help to fix people's lives by giving money to charity, clothes to the poor, something to eat to someone who is hungry, or simply by changing our attitude towards someone.

Dear God,
Please help those who are ill and sick.
Help the families for them.

Dear God,
Please help the miners in New Zealand
who are trapped underground by an
explosion which caused the mine to collapse.
Please bless their families.

Dear God,
I thank you for my family.
They are so good to me
and give me everything I ask for.

Dear God
Thank you for my friends who are always there for me.
Thank you that they are healthy and help them all through their lives.

First we talked about respect and how to treat people and how to make a difference.
Understanding this, we thought about how we treat others.
Now we have a different view of others in our society.

19th November 2010

We did the word LIGHT to represent The Light of the World, Jesus who can lead us through darkness.

Scripture - The Good Samaritan
We chose this story because it relates to the situation in the North of Ireland, where there is conflict between people who don't even know each other, just because of their religion.  This story teaches us to be compassionate to everyone we meet in our lives. No matter what our their beliefs people are still human beings and our words affect them.

(What do you think????)


Survivor by Destiny's Child - Because it shows that with courage you can come through difficulties in your life.

Talk by Coldplay - Because people can express their feelings and ideas through talking, like we did today.

Dear God,
I pray for the poor and homeless.
May they find help and hope.
I pray they may find a home and security.
I thank God that I am more fortunate than they are.

Dear God,
We pray for our families.
May they be healthy, happy and
caring towards us.
We thank you that we enjoy good health
and have people around us to look
after us when we are sick.

Hope was within us today
Everyone found enlightenment
Almighty is GOD
Very spiritual in faith of God
Everyone became closer to Jesus the Christ
No-one will forget this life-changing experience.

18th November 2010

Focus: The focus spells the word GOD.  We chose this because God was our main theme today.  We have used a variety of bright colours to show how bright and attractive God's creation is.


Beautiful Day by U2: We picked this song because we believe that every day is a gift from God and also, this song is a great way of describing the day that we had on this retreat.

Where is the Love? by The Black Eyed Peas:  We picked this song because it features and covers a lot of the topics that we discussed in our groups today, about what goes on the world and that we can make a difference in the world to prevent these actions.

Let us pray for the sick, the recently deceased,
the homeless and members of the travelling community.
Lord hear our prayer.

Dear Lord,
We thank you for your love and for giving us life.
Bless our families and friends.
Lord hear our prayer.

Dear God,
Let us pray for our families, without whom we would not be here.
They raised us and accompanied us through the good times and bad.
Let us pray for those who have experienced bereavement in their families.
Let us hope that God will guide them through their grief.

Dear God,
Thank you for the day you have given us here at
the De La Salle Pastoral Centre.

16th November 2010


The rainbow represents the diversity of God's creation.
The candles show that God is our light.
The tree represents life and growth.


What if God was One of Us - Joan Osborne: we chose this because God could be anyone and we wouldn't notice.

Hero - Mariah Carey: we chose this because God is our Hero!

Scripture: We chose Luke 9:46-48 because it show that everyone should see themselves as equal to others and not better that anyone.

Dear God,
Thank You for helping me and protecting my family.
Thank You for giving us a good life.
Please keep helping us through the rest of our lives.

Dear God,
We ask you to help the sick and the poor.
Help them to find health and good fortune.
Guide their lives.

Dear God,
We ask that you will help us and guide us through our GCSE courses.
Keep us safe and healthy throughout the year.
Thanks for the  good times we have had in our class.

15th November 2010

We chose to create this multi-coloured candle to show that God is our ever lasting light and to show that God will guide all of us through life through his light.

One by U2 - we chose this because it has good lyrics which tell us to look out for each other.
What a Wonderful World - this is a peaceful song that gives a positive picture of our environment

Scripture - Lk.:19 - Jesus and Zacchaeus
We chose this story because it shows forgiveness and shows also how love can change a person

Dear God
Can you please help the homeless
and the poor have a better life
and I will contribute by giving them the things that I don't need
Lord hear us

Dear God
Thank you for everything you have given me
and everyone you have helped me meet
I hope you show your support for me during my GCSE's

Dear God
I want to thank you for the experience I have had today

Dear God
We want you to boost our faith so that we can fully understand what you are
and help us to be better people

These are things we have done in our group and what we have learnt:
Helpful - it has shown us so many more ways of looking at God
Enlightening - it ha revealed that God can be seen in many different forms
Relaxing - allows us to think about family and friends and the meditation was relaxing
Motivational - motivates us to improve our relationship with God
Positive - helps us to think more positively of ourselves and others and also about our society
Life-changing - helps us to live our life to the full and to live happily
Enjoyable - gives us a better connection with God and any other God you believe in
Opening - get you open to all religion and gives you an understanding to all things good and evil.


Unknown said...

I actually liked the meditation the best because i was really tired the day we went so i was able to shut my eyes for about 15 minutes and thank you Carron for a very good day

Anonymous said...

I went there and had a great time!
Thank You:-)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed my retreat at de la salle

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a wonderful day
I enjoyed the meditation best it was so relaxing
Niall Agnew p7 mrs Darragh
St. Brides Primary School

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a great time
i enjoyed the meditation best
Thanks Caron