Tuesday 21 September 2010

Aquinas, Year 14

The Year 14 classes of Aquinas Grammar school made a return visit to the centre this week, having been here previously in Year 10.  A lot has changed in their individual lives since then and they are facing a year of yet more change.  We took the time to reflect with them on what they've learned about themselves as they have grown older and more mature.  We talked about faith and belief and God!  Below you will read some of the lovely prayers and reflections that were written during the days and see some photos from their prayer services.

We came together today
To think and talk and pray.
We refected on our faith,
Hoping our Lord will keep us safe.
Today we attended a retreat
Our negativity to defeat.
As we look towards university
We are filled with positivity.
Although we are sad to leave school behind,
Our trust in God we hope to find.
Together we are 14N.
In registration we'll see you again.

When voluteering to write a reflection we weren't quite sure what to write andi t was only when Julie, sitting beside us, started to sing "The World's Greatest" that we realised how relevant the lyrics are to us all. 
"If anybody asks me who I am
I stand up tall, look them in the face and say...
'I'm that star up in the sky.
I'm that mountain peak up high.
Hey, I made it.
I'm the world's greatest.'"
Today we learned that not only faith in God is important, but faith in ourselves an each other too!


We have written a parable to explain the benefits of reflection. it is called The Parable of the Mirror.

There were once two mirrors. One was clean and could reflect everything he looked at perfectly. His best friend was another mirror but she was very dirty and she never reflected anything at all and this made her as sad as a bright object could be.
Eventually she asked her clean mirror friend,
"How do you be so happy? Why can you make loads of human friends?"
"Simple," said the clean mirror. "I simply spend a brief amount of time each day reflecting on myself."
"Wow, that's a great idea," said the dirty mirror. "Given that I am a mirror, I should have thought of that."
"Yes, you should have."
And now we are better mirrors.
Can you apply this to your own life?

We pray for those who seek to realise their potential,
that God may help them on their journey
and we thank God for helping us up until now a
nd hope that He will continue to do so.

We pray for those less fortunate than ourselves,
that the grace of God will help them through any difficulties.
At this time we especially remember those displaced by the floods in Pakistan.

We pray for the friendships in our lives,
that they will continue to develop in God's love.

As part of this prayer service we were treated to the mystery of a magic card trick leading to the message of the royalty of God. Don Bosco, the patron saint of young people, used many tricks and acrobatics in order to entertain the young people of his day, drawing them to himself in order to teach them about the love of God.

Today we met with our pals
In a place called De La Salle's
We said some prayers and sang a song
We learned what's right and what is wrong.
We drew a river or a tree
And then we let our minds run free.
We had some fun and had a laugh.
We would like to thank all the staff.
We shared our feelings in a book.
Now we can't wait to have a juke.
We had good fun all around,
It was definitely worth the £5!

You held my hand when life was tough
I thank God for the ones I love.

We thank you for the friends we have,
Through good times, bad times and the laughs.

We came to this centre for a retreat today.
A place to meditate, to think and pray.
We came here to reflect, to talk and to dream,
To move closer as a class, a group, a team.
In smaller groups we talked about feelings.
We talked about faith and love and meaning.
Now we leave with love in our hearts,
Knowing that, from God, we'll never be apart!

Today we pray for everyone in our world,
especially those who still look for God's love and stuggle to find it. 
We pray that they may come to peace with the hardships that they face.
Lord Hear us...

Today we pray for our extended community,
for the end of any conflict and that we all may
live together peacefully through God's love.
Lord hear us...

Today we pray for all students and staff at our school. 
We pray for our new Principal as she adjusts to her new role
and we pray that the loving nature of our school community may continue to grow.
Lord hear us...

We wish all the Year 14s success and blessings as they go forward in their school careers and beyond!

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