Thursday 25 March 2010

St. Mark's, Warrenpoint - Year 14

Yesterday we had our final group of the year from St. Mark's Warrenpoint. They were Year 14 which is such a busy year in school that it was good to get away from the busyness and just take time to reflect on it all!

We had great discussion in the groups about faith and God and Jesus and whether we feel the need of them in our lives. We did a meditation on Jeremiah 29:11 and everyone took some time to think ahead to the hopes and dreams they have for their future and some happy memories from their past.

Everyone took time to write a positive message to everyone else in the group in an Affirmation Booklet which is a lovely thing to keep in a memory box and read every so often to remind yourself of all the qualities that others see in you.

For the prayer service we set up a focus saying the word LOVE. The "O" of the word was a ring that each person then attached a piece of paper to, with their special intentions written on it. It symbolised how each of us can support each other by praying for each other.

The songs the group chose to play were, "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson and "True Colours" by Cindi Lauper.

We had a really lovely day with them and hope it was a day that they will remember and that their Affirmation Booklets will bring a smile to their faces many times in the years ahead.

God Bless!

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