We were joined by the girls from Dominican College over a number of days.They were a cheerful group which displayed great talents from creative box making to a rhyming poet, a musican and a soloist! They were thinking about the attitudes we have towards one another.
17th September 2012
17th September 2012
For our focus we chose a rainbow because it is made up of seven colours and if one is missing it wouldn't be a rainbow. We feel this shows how we should include everyone because when we are all working together things go better and no one feels left out.
We picked 'Alleluia' because it says to give thanks and praise to the Lord and 'You've got a friend in me' because its about friendship.
We choose the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). It represents God and his forgiveness because no matter what we do he will forgive us.
These words describe our retreat. We learned about our attitudes to toward things. Our meditation was relaxing. We had fun skipping outside. We were creative in making our boxes and we learned about our faith through reading the bible. Thanx!
18th September 2012
We made a candle which will light up our attitudes shining on into the rainbow, showing the true colours of our hearts.Music
We chose 'Alleluia' as it makes you think of love and love is God. 'Hero' is our second song , it reminds you that everyone is special and that you are not alone.
We dramatised the story of Zacchaeus (Luke19:1-10). No one liked Zacchaeus and he wasn't included. But Jesus saw the good in him and showed the people. The others changed their attitudes and took Zacchaeus on as a friend too.
We decided the theme of love and hearts showed how our best attitudes show everyday.
20th September 2012
We used the candle to represent how we will be lights to others when we have the good attitudes.
First we picked 'Be still in the presence of the Lord', because we can wind down to pray and talk to God. We then chose Florence and the Machine because sometimes when we are sad and lonely, we can just clear our mind and talk to God.
24th September 2012
When we have friends and family, love is all around.
'You've got a friend in me'- we chose this because everyone is friends even if you aren't close doesn't mean your friends.
'Next to me' -Because God is always next to us.
Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9).Our group have chosen this story because Jesus has shown his kindness and friendliness to Zacchaeus, whom he doesn't even know.
On the letters we wrote words inside them to represent how we love and understand God.
be helpful
be friendly
listen to everyone
love others the way you want to be loved
everyone loves you, do you love them?
help each other
love listen pray
25th September 2012
The sun who is Jesus shining down on us as the little boxes. We remember that Jesus is always there to watch over us. The tree is us growing in the light of God.
'One Love' Bob Marley- Every love you ever had seems to start from Jesus since he sacrificed his life for us.
'Hallelujah' Brenton Brown- we chose this as it gets us energised and everyone knows it so they can join in, it brings us together
We chose to read 'Salt and Light' (Matthew 5:14-16)because we think it represents that we light up the world with what we do and who we are, we are children of God
The words within the rainbow represent the qualities that are inside of you, we choose this to show the qualities we all have.
The fish in the sky means everyone is different.
27th September 2012
This candle represents peace and also symbolises that God is with us. We hope that the scrolls in the boxes will help us with everyday life. The posters represent that we are all different but still part of God's family.
'True Colours' -we feel this song reminds us that we shouldn't judge people on appearance.
'One Thing'- we are to have self respect, we are original, unique.
Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9). This story is about a very wealthy man named Zacchaeus. He wanted to see Jesus. Zacchaeus went and climbed a tree to see if he could see Jesus. Zacchaeus wants to become good and return the money to the poor. We chose this passage because we thought Zacchaeus learnt his lesson and gave back the money. Its teaches us not to be selfish and be kind.
Our theme was peacefulness. We learned to treat people like we would like to be treated. Thank you for inviting us here today.
Our poem reads:
Art creativity
Learning about ourselves
Meditating and relaxing
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