Wednesday, 18 January 2012

St. Aidan's Primary School

We had a great day with the boy's from St. Aidan's Primary School. Together we had the opportunity to talk about receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and what it means to be Christian. We also enjoyed our meditation and prayer service.
We picked this word, Jesus, because we can remember when Jesus died for us and it is a special occasion to have a prayer service. The kites are colourful and represent Jesus is always there for us and he always will be there.
Ellie Goulding, Your song. We picked this song because it's relaxing and calm.
Adele, Make you feel my love. This song is joyful and makes you happy.

Dear God
Please help those who are unhappy.
Give them hope and joy in the future.
Lord hear us

Dear God
Help the poor and the homeless
because they have nowhere to go.
Give them food and a home.
Lord hear us
Dear God
Please help the poor
and the ungrateful in life
Lord hear us

Dear God
Please help the homeless people
because they don't get any food, please help them.
Lord hear us

Dear God
Please help all the people in the world
who are addicited to cigarettes, drugs, cigars and beer.
Please help them get off it.
Lord hear us

Dear God
Please help all with cancer and addiction to drugs.
Lord hear us

Dear God
Please help the sick and brain damaged.
Lord hear us

Dear God
please help children with a disability 
and elderly to get better
 and have great strength and get on with their lives.
Lord hear us
We picked Follow Jesus because we like to follow Jesus' rules because we love him.

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