Tuesday, 13 April 2010

St. Joseph's, Crumlin - Group 3

Our third group from St Joseph's were here yesterday, and we had a great time with them. They were remembering some of the fun times they've shared as a class and it was great to hear some of those memories. One of the great things about remembering happy times is that you get to feel that happiness all over again.

Moving on from the familiar to the unknown can be challenging! As it says in Scripture, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) For the P7s the time has almost come to move on. This brings great excitement and anticipation, as well as well as worries and fears.

When we remember that Jesus walks with us on our journey through life it can help to make us less afraid when we face challenges!

Don't worry about tomorrow. Look at the birds of the air.

They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns and still, your heavenly Father feeds them.
You are important to God!

You can't add any time to your life by worrying.

Look at the flowers of the field. They are dressed more beautifully than royalty.

And you are much more important than them.

So don't worry about what to eat, or drink or wear.

(based on Matthew Matthew 6:25-34)

The group did this lovely focus of a pathway leadinging towards the word PEACE! They did this because "everyone deserves peace..."

These lovely prayers were written...

Dear God,

Bless all our families' so they can be safe and well.

Lord hear us.

Dear God,

Help all those struggling because of the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. Give them water and food.

Lord hear us.

Dear God,

Lots of people are losing their jobs. God, please let them keep their jobs.

Lord hear us.

We wish all the P7s well as they take in the next step in their school career.

God Bless.

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